On the basis of our observations, MWBrothers' customers are divided into several types, we tried to generalize them:
Those, who want to protect the interior of automobile.
In the last few years, we noticed that each year automakers use cheaper and cheaper materials. This can not but affect the duration of its usage and in a few years begin to destroy. Installation of MWBrothers covers suspends this process for at least 3-5 years.
Those, whose interior is subjected to heavy loads – parents, hunters, taxi drivers and etc.
Often our customers are looking for a way to protect the automobile interior from children or from not too careful passengers. Food blot, spilled drinks, small footprints on the backs of the front seats – are the main reasons for often dry cleaners and exactly due to it customers are looking for ways to protect the interior. For these purposes, the Dynamic Series is ideal, which is made with material easy to clean.
Those who are bored with an own interior, as well as those, who want to have a more expensive looking interior.
Difficult cut and abundance of small details favorably distinguish MWBrothers covers from the native interior – the installed covers look more interesting, beautiful and more expensive as well. By the way, for connoisseurs of luxury we have developed lineup which made with premium materials, and the base made with Alcantara.
Those, who buy used automobiles.
Who was sitting on these seats? What drove? And from what it is this spot? Many questions may arise when you are not the first owner of the automobile. The correct answer to all these questions is one – MWBrothers automobile covers, installing of which you will get interior looking like a new one.